Export to Office
Related Online Training modules | |
Exporting variables to Excel | |
Exporting Charts and Tables to Office | |
Default Export Charts Office 2007/2010 | |
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Pressing one of the Office export buttons causes the Table Options dialog box to open, after which the selected tables or charts are exported as specified in the Format drop-down menu.
When the table or chart is exported:
- The name of the table or chart is taken from its name in the Report tree, which is in turn created by default from the contents of the blue and brown drop-downs (and, it is reset whenever the blue and brown drop-downs are modified).
- The type of export - whether as picture, data or embedded chart - is taken from the Format menu (described in more detail in Table Options).
- If exporting as a chart (i.e., where it appears as a table in Q but will create a chart in PowerPoint, Excel or Word), the specific type of chart is selected from the Chart drop-down menu. This will remember your most recent export. You can also:
- Select chart Chart Templates created in Excel, Word or PowerPoint.
- Set default chart types (e.g., so that every Pick One question is exported as a pie chart.
- Additional specifications for the layout of PowerPoint exports can be set in PowerPoint Export Layout.
- The contents of the footer are determined by the settings in the Footer tab.
- Q will either create a new document/presentation/spreadsheet or will let you choose an existing presentation to add to. If you want to use a PowerPoint template (.potx) then create a new PowerPoint presentation using that template and select that presentation when you export.
Exporting multiple tables at the same time
For Q5.11 or earlier, or when using the "legacy" export option in Q5.12
When multiple tables are being exported, many of the fields will be blank (because they will be different for different tables). Some patience is required when exporting batches of tables: this may take a few minutes and can appear to have “crashed” even when it has not. If exporting large numbers of tables, the To Excel (Fast) option is preferable, as it is both much faster and more stable.
When exporting to Excel, if your tables appear in multiple groups, the tabs will be color-coded to indicate group membership.
For Q5.12+
The default export for Microsoft Office is what is referred to in Q5.11 as 'fast' exporting. As noted above, this is preferable, being both faster and more stable. You can override this export method by selecting the 'Legacy' checkbox.
Changing the document being exported to
For Q5.11 or earlier, or when using the "legacy" export option in Q5.12
Q will continue to export to the first workbook or presentation that is selected at the time of first export in a session of Q. To change this:
- Close the current document that is being exported to.
- Open the document into which you wish to export.
- Conduct an export (as described above).
For Q5.12+
The export dialogue box has options to Create New (with a prompt to name the file) or select recent, any other file to update.