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Related Online Training modules
Creating Reports
Basic Tables
Smart Tables
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The Report is a ‘tree’ shown on the left side of the Outputs Tab. It stores saved tables. Whenever you modify a table, you are modifying one of the tables in the Report.

If the Report is not visible, position your cursor on the grey border on the far left of your screen and, when the double-ended arrow with the line through it appears, drag the slider so that the report is visible. To hide the report, position your cursor between the table and the report and drag until it is no longer visible.

Clicking anywhere in a report causes the selected table to be shown in the Outputs Tab. Tables and Folders of tables can be dragged and dropped in the report.

When multiple tables have been selected, changes made to weights and filters apply to all the tables. See Creating and modifying tables.

Adding tables to a report

To add a table to the report, press the Duplicate Table () button to the top-left of the table. This saves the current table and adds a new table immediately beneath it in the report. The new table, which is a copy of the saved table, is now displayed. The highlighted table in the Report indicates which table is being viewed.

Text pages

Text pages can be added to a report by selecting Create > Text. By default, these are setup with very large font sizes for exporting to PowerPoint or dashboards. However, you can change the default appearance of the text by selecting Edit > Project Options > Text Items.

Adding Folders

Right-click on a table in the Report and select Add Folder to create a folder into which you can organize tables.

Making notes

Notes about a project can be stored in the Notes tab (see the bottom left of the screen). Notes about a specific table can be stored with the table by right-clicking, selecting Table Options and entering the notes in the Notes box.

Notes can be attached to individual variables in the Variables and Questions tab by right-clicking on the variable and selecting New Comment for Variable.

Locking tables

Often it is useful to lock a table to prevent users from inadvertently modifying it by formatting it or changing the selections in the blue or brown drop-downs, the weight menu, or the filter menu. This is done by right-clicking on the table in the report and selecting Lock from the menu. To unlock, right-click on the table again and select Unlock.

If the data is modified, either by importing new data, recoding data or merging together the same questions in a different table, the data shown in the table will change irrespective of whether the tables are locked or not.

Changing multiple tables at the same time

You can use your Shift and Ctrl keys in conjunction with your mouse to simultaneously apply operations across multiple tables at any one time (e.g., applying weights and filters, selecting questions, setting footers, locking, exporting, printing, and selecting statistics).

See also