How to Back Code into a Pick Any - Grid Question

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When a Pick Any - Grid question has open-ended responses there will be one Text variable for each part of the grid. For example a brand image question may have a Text variable for each brand, where the respondents have provided additional images for each. The open-ended responses can be combined with the main data from the question using Back Coding. The process requires two things:

  • The Pick Any - Grid question is first split up into a set of Pick Any questions, with one question corresponding to each of the Text variables containing the open-ended responses. In the brand image example this would mean one Pick Any question for each brand.
  • The open-ended responses are separated Text questions and NOT combined into a Text - Multi.

Starting with a Pick Any - Grid question, the steps are as follows:

  1. Make a copy of the variables from the grid by highlighting the rows in the Variables and Questions tab, right-clicking, and selecting Copy and Paste Variables > Exact Copy.
  2. Make a new Pick Any question for the variables corresponding to each of the open-ended response variables by selecting those variables, right-clicking, choosing Set Question with the Question Type or Pick Any.
  3. Make sure that the Variable Labels from the new Pick Any questions are identical.
  4. Highlight the Text variables for the open-ended responses.
  5. Right-click and select Insert Variables > Code Text > New Code Frame.
  6. When prompted to specify the type of question, select Pick Any - Grid (Each response can be classified under multiple codes) and click OK.
  7. Select Inputs and Back Coding.
  8. For each row, select the appropriate question in the Corresponding back-coding questions section and click OK.
  9. Code the responses as normal.

See also