How to Back Code Other Specify Responses

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Back coding , also known as up coding, refers to situations where a question contains one or more Other specify options and there is a need to allocate these responses into the original code frame (and, as appropriate, create new responses).

Back coding using Q's coding tools

Back coding is done as follows:

  • In the Variables and Questions tab select the text variable that you wish to back code (i.e., which contains the other specify responses).
  • Right-click on it and select Insert Variable(s) > Code Text > New Code Frame (Legacy).
  • Select the applicable of Pick One (Each response can be classified under only one code) and Pick Any (Each response can be classified under multiple codes) (see Coding for more information).
  • Select the existing question from the Back code with drop-down menu. Note that you can only select Pick One questions here if you have selected Pick One (Each response can be classified under only one code), and you can only select Pick Any questions if you have selected Pick Any (Each response can be classified under multiple codes). The code frame from the original question will then appear in the code frame box.
  • If you are back-coding into a Pick Any question then right-click on the code from the original code frame which corresponds to the Other/Specify option and select Is Other/Specify.
  • Note that you can add additional codes and probably will want to remove or rename the first option of New code.

Back coding using externally coded data

Single response data

  1. Select the pre-coded variable on the Variables and Questions tab and press .
  2. Select Missing Data for the other category and press OK.
  3. Select the two variables (i.e., the original variable and the variable containing the coded data) in the Variables and Questions tab.
  4. Right-click and select Insert Ready Made Formula(s) > Merge Questions.

Multiple response data

  1. If necessary, merge the coded data (see Merge Data Add Variables) and import the revised data.
  2. Ensure that the original question (i.e., which contains the Other option) has been correctly set up as a Pick Any question.
  3. If the coded data is in Pick Any - Compact format:
    • Set the Question Type to Pick One - Multi.
    • Select the variables and select Insert Ready Made Formula(s) > Pick One – Multi - > Pick Any (By Category).
  4. Select the original question and the coded question (both of which should be Pick Any) questions, right-click and select Insert Ready Made Formula(s) > Merge Questions.
  5. If the Base n for the categories in the new question is different for some of the options:

See also