Regression - Diagnostic - Plot - Goodness of Fit
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Produce a scatterplot of target outcomes (x-axis) versus fitted values (y-axis)
Produces a scatterplot of target outcomes (x-axis) versus fitted values (y-axis). The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is shown. A high correlation indicates that fitted values are ranked in a similar order to target outcomes. Points should be randomly scattered around a 45 degree line through the origin.
Regression An R Output containing a regression analysis.
Maximum points The maximum number of points to plot. If the object contains more data points, a random sample is taken.
form.setHeading("Goodness of Fit");
form.dropBox({name: "inputItem", label: "Regression:", types: ["RItem:Regression"],
prompt: "Select a Regression output to plot fitted values for" });
form.numericUpDown({name: "formMaxPoints", label: "Maximum points", default_value: 1000,
increment: 1, minimum: 2, maximum: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, prompt: "The maximum number of observations to plot" });
library(flipRegression) <- GoodnessOfFitPlot(QInputs(inputItem), max.points = formMaxPoints)