Qualtrics - Gap Analysis

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The Qualtrics question type Gap Analysis is comprised of two grid questions, where the first one captures a single scale point for the row items, and the second grid question captures multiple reasons for providing that score. The data file will contain, for each row item, a single numeric variable storing the scale point response, and a set of categorical binary (selected / not selected) variables, one for each answer option in the multiple response grid. On importing this into Q all of these variables are grouped together as a single question.


In Qualtrics, a Gap Analysis question may look like this:

When viewing the initial set-up in Q, it will appear like this:

Q Set-up

Setting up the variables

  1. On the Variables and Questions tab highlight all the variables that belong to your gap analysis question.
  2. Right-click and select Revert to Source.

For each item

For each of the items (rows) in the Gap Analysis question:

  1. Locate the score variable in the Variables and Questions tab (it will be the first variable in the set), and if you want to analyse it in terms of proportions, change the Variable Type to Categorical. If you instead wish to view the average score (rather than proportions) then you can leave the variable unchanged.
  2. Highlight the variables that state the reasons for the score (these will be immediately below the score, right-click, and select Set Question, ensure that the Question Type is Pick Any, then click OK.
  3. In the Value Attributes window that appears, tick the box in the Count this value column for the row labelled 1, untick the box in the Missing Data column, then click OK.

Note that the multiple response grid that forms part of the Gap Analysis question is conceptually the same as a Qualtrics Profile question. See Bipolar and Profile Questions for more on this.

Compare scores across statements

To compare the scores given to all the statements simultaneously, follow these steps:

  1. On the Variables and Questions tab, highlight the score variables for all the statements.
  2. Right-click and select Copy and Paste Variable(s) > Exact Copy.
  3. Right-click again, select Set Question, then ensure that the Question Type is Pick One – Multi and click OK. If you want to analyze your results using averages or medians, set the question type to Number - Multi.
  4. On the Outputs tab, select the new question in the blue drop-down.