QScript Scale Functions
The functions below are used by the scaling QScripts under Create New Variables - Scale Within Case and Create New Variables - Scale Within Variable.
To make these functions available when writing a QScript or Rule see JavaScript Reference.
scaleOneQuestion(question, type, within_case)
This function takes one QScript Question and performs a scale transformation to it. See the next function for a description of the type and within_case arguments.
scaleQuestions(type, within_case)
This function prompts the user to select questions and performs a scale transformation to each selection based on the type argument. Possible values for type are "rank", "standardize", "center", and "unit". If within_case is true, then the scaling is performed within case/respondent; otherwise, it is performed within variable. This is a wrapper for scaleOneQuestion.
Source Code
includeWeb("QScript Utility Functions");
includeWeb("QScript Selection Functions");
includeWeb("QScript Functions to Generate Outputs");
includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
function scaleOneQuestion(question, type, within_case) {
var is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
var structure_name = is_displayr ? "variable set" : "question";
var question_name = question.name;
var data_file = question.dataFile;
var new_question_name = (type == "unit" ? "unit scale" : type) + " within " +
(within_case ? "case" : "variable") + " for " + question_name;
var new_question_name = preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, new_question_name);
var temp_var_name = randomVariableName(16); // temporary name, random to (almost) guarantee uniqueness
var variables = question.variables;
var var_labs = variables.map(x => x.label);
if(variables.length === 1 && within_case){
var msg = 'Scaling within case for ' + structure_name + ' ' + question_name + ' is not meaningful ' +
'since it consists of only a single variable.';
return false;
var expression = 'flipTransformations::ScaleVariableSet(' + stringToRName(question.name) + ', type = "' + type +
'", within.case = ' + within_case.toString().toUpperCase() + ')';
try {
var new_r_question = data_file.newRQuestion(expression, new_question_name, temp_var_name, variables[variables.length - 1]);
var new_r_variables = new_r_question.variables;
if(/Number/.test(question.questionType)) {
new_r_question.questionType = question.questionType;
} else if(/Multi$/.test(question.questionType)){
new_r_question.questionType = "Number - Multi";
} catch (e) {
function errorFun(e){
log("The transform could not be computed for " + structure_name + " " + question_name + " : " + e.message);
return false;
if (/R code is ambiguous/.test(e.message)){
expression = 'flipTransformations::ScaleVariableSet(' + stringToRName(data_file.name) + '$Questions$' +
stringToRName(question.name) + ', type = "' + type +
'", within.case = ' + within_case.toString().toUpperCase() + ')';
try {
var new_r_question = data_file.newRQuestion(expression, new_question_name, temp_var_name,
variables[variables.length - 1]);
if(/Number/.test(question.questionType)) {
new_r_question.questionType = question.questionType;
} else if(/Multi$/.test(question.questionType)){
new_r_question.questionType = "Number - Multi";
} catch(e){
return errorFun(e);
return errorFun(e);
// Replace temporary variable names
var base_var_name = question_name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_@\#\$\\]/g, '_').toLowerCase() + "_" + type + "_scaled";
nameSequentialVariables(new_r_question.variables, base_var_name);
var top_group_name = type.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1) + (type == "unit" ? " scale " : "") +
" within " + (within_case ? "case" : "variable") + " Transformation";
reportNewRQuestion(new_r_question, top_group_name);
return true;
function scaleQuestions(type, within_case) {
if (within_case)
var allowed_types = ["Nominal - Multi", "Ordinal - Multi", "Numeric - Multi", "Numeric - Grid"];
var allowed_types = ["Nominal - Multi", "Ordinal - Multi", "Numeric - Multi", "Numeric - Grid", "Nominal", "Ordinal", "Numeric"];
var selected_questions = selectInputQuestions(allowed_types);
if (!selected_questions)
return false;
var results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < selected_questions.length; i++)
results.push(scaleOneQuestion(selected_questions[i], type, within_case));
var success = results.some(function(x){return(x)});
return success;