QScript Functions for Filters

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This page contains functions for creating filters.

To make these functions available when writing a QScript or Rule see JavaScript Reference.


Given a question, this function creates a new filter for each category in the corresponding question.


Returns an array describing which categories in the pick one (- multi) question have been merged (excluding the NET). Each entry in the array has:

  • name: The name of the merged category
  • values: An array of the underlying values for the categories that have been merged


Returns an array describing which categories in the pick any (- multi) question have been merged (excluding the NET). Each entry in the array has:

  • name: The name of the merged category
  • values: An array of the underlying values for the categories that have been merged


Generate an JavaScript expression for merged categories in a Pick Any question.

mergePickAnyCompactExpression(variable_names, codes)

Generate an JavaScript expression for merged categories in a Pick Any - Compact question.


Helper function for createControlsAndFilter(). Ensures that all the created controls have unique names.

recursiveGetAllControlsNamesInGroup(group_item, objects_array)

Helper function for generateUniqueControlsName(). Recursively gets all controls in the group specified by group_item, e.g. project.report, and adds them to objects_array.


Uses Data Reduction to determine labels to show in the controls created by createControlsAndFilter(), doesn't match up with factor levels shown to R code exactly (most noticeably, hidden codes aren't returned by this function, but are present in the R factor representation of the variable. Used by reorderHiddenCodes.


Given a variable, v, this function creates a temporary R Output to read levels of the R factor representation of the variable and returns them in an array.

reorderHiddenCodes(levels_fromR, levels_excluding_hidden, v)

Helper function for readLevelsFromRFactor(). Any hidden codes in a variable will still appear in the R variable, but unfortunately the codes/levels are in the wrong order, with the hidden codes always being the last levels of the R factor. This function attempts to correct this, reordering the labels using the underlying values. levels_fromR is an array of the the levels of the R factor representation of v, a variable and levels_excluding_hidden is the result of a call to determineNonNETLabels().


Determines the DataFile given the dependants of an R Output.


Main function for Combo Box (Drop-Down) Filters on an Output, Text Box Filters on an Output, and List Box Filters on an Output. Prompts the user for categorical variable sets to create a filter from, adds controls to the page to modify the created filter, creates the filter as an R variable, and applies it to any Plots, Tables, or R Outputs selected on the page by the user. Valid values for control_type are "Combobox", "Textbox", or "Listbox".

Source Code

includeWeb('QScript Questionnaire Functions');
includeWeb('QScript Value Attributes Functions');
includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions');
includeWeb('QScript Selection Functions');
includeWeb('QScript Functions to Generate Outputs');
includeWeb('QScript Data Reduction Functions');
includeWeb('QScript Functions for Combining Categories');

function createFiltersForAllCategories(question) {
    if (typeof(question) == "undefined" || question === null)
        return null;

    var q_type = question.questionType;
    var new_filter_question;
    var new_name = preventDuplicateQuestionName(question.dataFile, question.name + " - Filters");
    var merged_categories;

    // Pick Any - Grid simply gets converted to a Pick Any because there is
    // no way to treat merged categories.
    if (q_type == "Pick Any - Grid") {
        new_filter_question = question.duplicate(new_name);
        new_filter_question.questionType = "Pick Any";
    } else if (q_type == "Pick One - Multi") {
        // Flatten and merge using existing methods
        var merged_categories = getMergedCategoriesFromPickOne(question);
        if (merged_categories == null || merged_categories.length == 0)
            return null;
        new_filter_question = pickOneMultiToPickAnyFlattenAndMergeByRows(question, merged_categories, true, false);
        new_filter_question.name = preventDuplicateQuestionName(question.dataFile, new_filter_question.name.replace("(flattened)", "- Filters"));
        new_filter_question.questionType = "Pick Any - Grid";
        if (!new_filter_question.isValid)
            new_filter_question.questionType = "Pick Any";
    } else {
        // For other question types we work out which categories are
        // in the data reduction (excluding the main NET).
        if (["Pick One", "Pick Any - Compact"].indexOf(q_type) > -1)
            merged_categories = getMergedCategoriesFromPickOne(question);
        else if (q_type == "Pick Any")
            merged_categories = getMergedCategoriesFromPickAny(question);
            throw "Not applicable for " + q_type + "questions.";
        if (merged_categories == null)
            return null;

        // Create a new variable for each category in the data reduction
        var variables = question.variables;
        var data_file = question.dataFile;
        var new_vars = [];
        var num_vars = variables.length;
        var last_var = variables[num_vars-1];
        var new_name_prefix = "FILTER" + makeid() +"_";
        merged_categories.forEach(function (obj, ind) {
            var expression;
            if(q_type == "Pick Any")
                expression = mergePickAnyExpression(obj.variables);
            else if (q_type == "Pick Any - Compact")
                expression = mergePickAnyCompactExpression(variables.map(function (v) { return v.name; }), obj.values);
            else if (q_type == "Pick One")
                expression = mergePickOneExpression(variables[0].name, obj.values, true);

            try {
                var new_var = question.dataFile.newJavaScriptVariable(expression,
                                                  new_name_prefix + ind + 1,
                                                  {skipValidation: true, accelerate: true});
            } catch (e) {
               log("Could not create filter: " + e);
               return false;
            new_var.variableType = "Categorical";
            last_var = new_var;

        // Form the question
        if (new_vars.length > 0) {
            var new_q_name = preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, question.name + " - Filters");
            var new_filter_question = data_file.setQuestion(new_q_name, "Pick Any", new_vars);
            setCountThisValueForVariablesInQuestion(new_filter_question, 1, true);
            new_filter_question.needsCheckValuesToCount = false;
        } else
            return null;

    // Set the properties of the new question
    new_filter_question.isFilter = true;
    setLabelForVariablesInQuestion(new_filter_question, 0, "Not Selected");
    setLabelForVariablesInQuestion(new_filter_question, 1, "Selected");
    return new_filter_question;

// Returns an array describing which categories in the pick one (- multi)
// question have been merged (excluding the NET). Each entry in the array has:
// - name: The name of the merged category
// - values: An array of the underlying values for the categories that have
//           been merged
function getMergedCategoriesFromPickOne(q) {
    var value_attributes = q.valueAttributes;
    var non_missing_values = q.uniqueValues.filter(function (x) {
        return !value_attributes.getIsMissingData(x);

    // Get the set of values for each code in the data reduction
    var merging_objects = getAllUnderlyingValues(q);
    // Filter out the set of values corresoponding to the NET as
    // we don't want to keep them.
    merging_objects = merging_objects.filter(function (obj) {
        return obj.array.sort().toString() != non_missing_values.toString();
    merging_objects = merging_objects.map(function (obj) {
        return { name: obj.label, values: obj.array };

    return merging_objects;

// Returns an array describing the data reduction of a pick any question
// excluding the NET. Each entry in the array corresponds to a code from
// the data reduction, and has:
// - name: The name of the category.
// - variables: The names of the variables in the category.
function getMergedCategoriesFromPickAny(q) {
    var data_reduction = q.dataReduction;
    var net_labels = ["NET"];
    if (fileFormatVersion() > 8.41)
        net_labels = data_reduction.netRows.map(function (x) { return data_reduction.rowLabels[x]; });
    var merging_objects = [];
    data_reduction.rowLabels.forEach(function (label) {
        if (net_labels.indexOf(label) == -1)
            merging_objects.push({ name: label, variables: data_reduction.getUnderlyingVariables(label).map(function (v) { return v.name; }) });
    return merging_objects;

// Generate an JavaScript expression for merged categories in a Pick Any question.
function mergePickAnyExpression(variable_names) {
    var nan_bit = "isNaN(" + variable_names[0] + ")";
    var main_bit = "(" + variable_names[0];
    if (variable_names.length > 1) {
        for (var j = 1; j < variable_names.length; j++) {
            nan_bit += " || isNaN(" + variable_names[j] + ")";
            main_bit += " || " + variable_names[j];
    return nan_bit + " ? NaN : " + main_bit + ") ? 1 : 0;";

// Generate an JavaScript expression for merged categories in a Pick Any - Compact question.
function mergePickAnyCompactExpression(variable_names, codes) {
    var missing_check = "(" + variable_names.map(function (name) { return "Q.IsMissing(" + name + ")"; } ).join(" && ") + ") ? NaN : (";
    var term_array = [];
    variable_names.forEach(function (name) {
        codes.forEach(function (code) {
            term_array.push("Q.Source(" + name + ") == " + code);
    return missing_check + term_array.join(" || ") + ") ? 1 : 0;";

function generateUniqueControlsName(name) {
    var controls = [];
    recursiveGetAllControlsNamesInGroup(project.report, controls);
    if (controls.indexOf(name) == -1)
        return name;
    var nonce = 1;
    while (controls.indexOf(name + "." + nonce.toString()) != -1)
    return name + "." + nonce.toString();

function recursiveGetAllControlsNamesInGroup(group_item, objects_array) {
    var cur_sub_items = group_item.subItems;
    for (var j = 0; j < cur_sub_items.length; j++) {
        if (cur_sub_items[j].type == 'ReportGroup') {
            recursiveGetAllControlsNamesInGroup(cur_sub_items[j], objects_array);
        else if (cur_sub_items[j].type == 'Control')  {
// Uses QScript Data Reduction to determine labels
// to show in the List Boxes, doesn't match up with factor levels
// shown to R code exactly (most noticeably, hidden codes aren't
// returned by this function, but are present in the R factor
// Hence, this is only used as a fallback if simply reading
// the levels from the factor fails (it shouldn't)
function determineNonNETLabels(variable) {
    var vals = getAllUnderlyingValues(variable.question);
    if (vals === null)
        return null;

    var labels = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
        var val_arr = vals[i].array;
        var isNET = false;
        if (val_arr.length > 1) {
            for (var j = 0; j < vals.length; j++) {
                if (i != j && vals[j].label !== "NET")
                    isNET = val_arr.some(v => vals[j].array.indexOf(v) >= 0);
                if (isNET)
        if (!isNET)
    return labels;

function readLevelsFromRFactor(v) {
    const new_qname = "questionadffewe245";
    const new_vname = "variableREWRRE12323112";
    var data_file = v.question.dataFile;
    // var expression = 'xxxxx122345xxx <- ' + stringToRName(question.name);
    var expression = 'xxxxx122345foo <- ' + generateDisambiguatedVariableName(v);
    try {
        var new_r_question = data_file.newRQuestion(expression, new_qname, new_vname,
                                                    data_file.variables[data_file.variables.length - 1]);
       // var r_output = group.appendR(expression);
        //var levels = r_output.data.getAttribute([], "levels");
        var value_attributes = new_r_question.valueAttributes;
        var unique_values = new_r_question.uniqueValues;

        var labels = unique_values.filter(u => !value_attributes.getIsMissingData(u)).map(u => value_attributes.getLabel(u));

        var levels_excluding_hidden = determineNonNETLabels(v);
        if (levels_excluding_hidden.length < labels.length)
            labels = reorderHiddenCodes(labels, levels_excluding_hidden, v);

        return labels;
       return determineNonNETLabels(v);

// Hidden codes are included in the levels of the R factor representation
//   of a categorical variable, however they are positioned as the last
//  level(s) of the factor. This function reorders the R factor levels according
// to the source values in the value attributes for the variable
function reorderHiddenCodes(levels_fromR, levels_excluding_hidden, v) {
    var value_attributes = v.question.valueAttributes;
    // A NET label is only included in the R factor if all its components are hidden,
    //   in this case the hidden components are not included, so levels_fromR
    //   may contain NETs which are then included in possibly_hidden_labels below
    // getSourcecValueByLabel throws an error when its argument is a NET label
    var possibly_hidden_labels = levels_fromR.slice(levels_excluding_hidden.length, levels_fromR.length);
    var hidden_vals = possibly_hidden_labels.map(function(l){ try{
            return value_attributes.getValue(value_attributes.getSourceValueByLabel(l))
           return "NET";

    let hidden_labels = possibly_hidden_labels.filter((v,i) => hidden_vals[i] !== "NET");
    hidden_vals = hidden_vals.filter(v => v !== "NET");
    if (hidden_vals.length === 0)
        return levels_fromR;

    var dr = v.question.dataReduction;
    var lvl_sourcevals = levels_fromR.map(function(l){ try {
                                                     var sv = [value_attributes.getSourceValueByLabel(l)];
                                                   }catch(e){ // merge
                                                         var sv = dr.getUnderlyingValues(l);
                                                   return sv;})
    // Use mean of component values for merged categories
    var lvl_vals = lvl_sourcevals.map(function(sv){
        return sv.reduce((v1,v2) => value_attributes.getValue(v1)+value_attributes.getValue(v2),0)/sv.length;
    var unhidden_lvl_vals = lvl_vals.slice(0, lvl_vals.length - hidden_vals.length);
    // for each hidden val, determine where to splice into label array
    var pos = 0;
    var hv;
    for (var i = 0; i < hidden_vals.length; i++) {
        hv = hidden_vals[i];
        for (var j = 0; j < unhidden_lvl_vals.length; j++) {
            if (hv < unhidden_lvl_vals[j]) {
                pos += 1;
        unhidden_lvl_vals.splice(pos, 0, hv);
        levels_excluding_hidden.splice(pos, 0, hidden_labels[i]);
        pos = 0;
    return levels_excluding_hidden;

function createControlsAndFilter(control_type) {
    includeWeb("QScript Selection Functions");
    includeWeb("QScript Utility Functions");
    includeWeb("QScript Functions to Generate Outputs");
    includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
    includeWeb("QScript Value Attributes Functions");
    includeWeb("QScript Data Reduction Functions");
    // On the web just take from what is selected.
    const is_displayr = inDisplayr();
    if (!is_displayr)
        log("Sorry, this feature is only available in Displayr.");
        return false;

    let is_cb = control_type === "Combobox";
    let is_tb = control_type === "Textbox";
    let is_date = control_type === "Date";
    let group;
    let data_file;

    if (project.report.selectedRaw().length === 0) {
        log("Please select the Table(s), Plot(s), and/or R Output(s) to apply the filter to.");
        return false;
    } else
        group = project.currentPage();

    let questions_in_tables = getQuestionsSelectedInTables();

    // Remove empty tables
    questions_in_tables = questions_in_tables.filter(function (q) { return q.question != null; });

    // Need extra work to determine the data file if the user has no Q Plots or Tables
    //  but only R Outputs selected
    let sub_items = project.report.selectedRaw(); // group.subItems;
    let types = sub_items.map(i => i.type);
    let routput_selected = types.indexOf("R Output") > -1;
    if (questions_in_tables.length === 0) {
        if (project.dataFiles.length === 0) {
            log("You must add a Data Set to use this feature.");
            return false;
        } else if (project.dataFiles.length === 1)
            data_file = project.dataFiles[0];
        else {
            // Try to get dataFile from dependents in the r outputs; otherwise, prompt user
            if (routput_selected) {
                let r_outputs = sub_items.filter(i => i.type === "R Output");
                for (let i = 0; i < r_outputs.length; i++) {
                    data_file = getDataFileFromDependants(r_outputs[i].dependants());
                    if (data_file !== null)
            if (!data_file)
                data_file = selectOneDataFile('Select the data file of the variable sets you wish to use for the filter.', project.dataFiles);
    } else {
        data_file = questions_in_tables[0].question.dataFile;
        // Make sure all questions are from the same data set
        if (!questions_in_tables.map(function (q) { return q.question.dataFile.name; }).every(function (type) { return type == data_file.name; })) {
            log("All of the selected outputs must be from the same data file.");
            return false;
    let allowed_types = is_tb ? ["Text", "Text - Multi"] : (is_date ? ["Date"] :
                                  ["Pick One", "Pick Any", "Pick One - Multi"]);
    let candidate_questions = getAllQuestionsByTypes([data_file], allowed_types);
    if (candidate_questions.length == 0) {
        log("No appropriate variable sets found in the data file for the selected output.");
        return false;
    let selected_questions = [];
    let prompt = "Select " + (is_date ? "Date variable" : "variable sets") + " to use for the filter:";
    while (selected_questions.length === 0) {
        selected_questions = selectManyQuestions(prompt, candidate_questions, true).questions;
        if (selected_questions.length === 0)
            alert("Please select at least one Variable Set from the list to continue.");

    let multiple_selection = (is_cb ? askYesNo("Should the user be allowed to select more than one category for each variable set?") : true);
    let ignore_case = (is_tb ? askYesNo("Ignore case (e.g., match \"dog\" with \"Dog\")?") : true);

    // Add Controls to page
    let filter_objects = [];

    selected_questions.forEach(function (q) {
        if (["Pick Any", "Date"].includes(q.questionType)) {
            filter_objects.push( {data: q, type: "multi", question: q});
        } else {
            let q_vars = q.variables;
            q_vars.forEach(function (v) {
                filter_objects.push({data: v, type: "single", question: q});

    let n_boxes = filter_objects.length;
    let lbs = [];
    let above;
    const rowPad = 10;
    const height = is_cb || is_tb || is_date ? 25 : 100;
    let lb_names = [];
    let end_date_names = [];

    let control_lab, control_name;
    if (!is_date) {
        control_lab = control_type.substring(0, control_type.length - 3) + " Box";
        control_name = control_type.substring(0, control_type.length - 3) + "Box";
    }else {
        control_lab = "Date Control";
        control_name = "DateControl";

    // DS-3217: Control names must be unique, but some users move controls
    // to a page master slide. These cannot be found via QScript/recursively
    // searching project.report). Hence, resort to try-catch/while loop until
    // a unique name is generated
    function _setUniqueControlName(ctrl, ref_name) {
        let unique_name_found = false;
        let duplicate_count = 0;
        while (!unique_name_found) {
            let ref_name_unique = ref_name + (duplicate_count > 0 ? ("." + duplicate_count.toString()) : "");
            try {
                ctrl.referenceName = ref_name_unique;
                unique_name_found = true;
        ctrl.name = ctrl.referenceName;

    filter_objects.forEach(function (obj, ind) {

        let v = obj.data;
        let dates;
        let ctrl = group.appendControl(control_type);
        if (is_tb) {
             ctrl.text = "";
        } else if (is_date) {
            dates = v.uniqueValues;
            dates = dates.filter(x => !isNaN(x));
            let min_date = arrayMin(dates);
            ctrl.date = min_date;
        } else {
            if (obj.type == "multi") {
                let data_reduction = v.dataReduction;
                let row_labels = data_reduction.rowLabels;
                let net_rows = data_reduction.netRows;
                row_labels = row_labels.filter(function (label, index) {
                    return net_rows.indexOf(index) == -1;
                requireControlLabelsAreUnique(row_labels, obj.question, ctrl);
                ctrl.itemList = row_labels;
                ctrl.selectedItems = row_labels;
            } else {
                let value_attributes = v.valueAttributes;
                let has_missing_values = v.uniqueValues.some(x =>
                var labels = readLevelsFromRFactor(v);
                labels = labels.map(lbl => lbl.trim());
                if (labels === null)
                    log("Variable " + v.name + " contains no categories");
                    return false;
                if (has_missing_values)
                    labels.push("Missing data");
                requireControlLabelsAreUnique(labels, obj.question, ctrl);
                ctrl.itemList = labels;
                ctrl.selectedItems = labels;
            ctrl.selectionMode = multiple_selection ? "MultipleSelection" : "SingleSelection";
        let ref_name;
        if (is_date)
            ref_name = generateUniqueControlsName(cleanVariableName("Start" +
                                    control_name + v.variables[0].label));
            ref_name = generateUniqueControlsName(cleanVariableName(control_name +
                (obj.type == "multi" ? v.name : v.label) ));
        _setUniqueControlName(ctrl, ref_name);

        ctrl.top = ind == 0 ? 0 : above.top + height + rowPad;
        ctrl.height = height;
        ctrl.left = 0;
        above = ctrl;
        if (is_date) {  // Add end date control and control titles for date filters
            let ctrl_title = group.appendText();
            let html = Q.htmlBuilder();
            ctrl_title.content = html;
            ctrl_title.height = height;
            ctrl_title.left = 0;
            ctrl_title.top = ctrl.top;
            ctrl_title.width = ctrl.width;
            ctrl.top = ctrl.top + height;
            var ctrl2 = group.appendControl("Date");
            let max_date = arrayMax(dates);
            ctrl2.date = max_date;
            ref_name = generateUniqueControlsName(cleanVariableName("EndDateControl" +
            ctrl_title = group.appendText();
            html = Q.htmlBuilder();
            ctrl_title.content = html;
            ctrl_title.height = height;
            ctrl_title.left = 0;
            ctrl_title.top = above.top + height + rowPad;
            ctrl_title.width = ctrl.width;
            ctrl2.top = ctrl_title.top + height;
            ctrl2.height = height;
            ctrl2.left = 0;
            above = ctrl2;

    // Create filter as a new R Question
    let lab = control_lab + " Filter " + selected_questions.map(function(q) {
        return q.questionType == "Pick Any" ? q.name : q.variables.map(function(v) { return v.label;}).join(" + "); }).join(" + ");
    let new_question_name = preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, lab);
    let vname = control_name.toLowerCase() + "_filter_" +
                selected_questions.map(function(q) {
                                            return q.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_@\#\$\\]/g, '_').toLowerCase();
    let new_var_name = preventDuplicateVariableName(data_file, vname);
    let r_expr = "";
    let new_r_question;
    let multiple_boxes = n_boxes > 1;
    if (multiple_boxes)
        r_expr += "(";
    if (is_tb) {
        r_expr = ("IGNORE_CASE = " + (ignore_case ? "TRUE\n" : "FALSE\n"));
        r_expr += "caseFun <- if (IGNORE_CASE) tolower else I\n";

    for (let i = 0; i < n_boxes; i++) {
        let is_multi = filter_objects[i].type == "multi";
        let data = filter_objects[i].data;
        let name_in_code = is_multi ? generateDisambiguatedQuestionName(data) : generateDisambiguatedVariableName(data);
        if (is_tb)
            r_expr += `grepl(caseFun(\`${lb_names[i]}\`), caseFun(${name_in_code}), fixed = TRUE)`;
        else if (is_date)
            r_expr += `${name_in_code} >= \`${stringToRName(lb_names[i])}\` & `+
                             `${name_in_code} <= \`${stringToRName(end_date_names[i])}\``;
        else if (is_multi)
            r_expr += `rowSums(${name_in_code}[ , trimws(${stringToRName(lb_names[i])},
    whitespace = "[\\\\h\\\\v]"), drop = FALSE]) > 0`;
            r_expr += RCodeForNominal(lb_names[i],name_in_code);
        if (i < n_boxes - 1)
            r_expr += multiple_boxes ? ") & \n (" : " & ";
    if (multiple_boxes)
        r_expr += ")";
    try {
        new_r_question = data_file.newRQuestion(r_expr, new_question_name, new_var_name, null);
    } catch (e) {
        function errorFun(e){
            log("The filter could not be created for the selected variable sets: " + e.message);
            return false;
        if (/(R code is ambiguous)|(There are [0-9]* cases in this result)/.test(e.message)){
            r_expr = "";
            if (is_tb) {
                r_expr = ("IGNORE_CASE = " + (ignore_case ? "TRUE\n" : "FALSE\n"));
                r_expr += "caseFun <- if (IGNORE_CASE) tolower else I\n";
            if (multiple_boxes)
                r_expr += "(";
            for (var i = 0; i < n_boxes; i++) {
                let data = filter_objects[i].data;
                (r_expr += is_tb ?
                    ("grepl(caseFun(`" + lb_names[i] + "`), caseFun(" + generateDisambiguatedVariableName(data) + "), fixed = TRUE)") :
                if (i < n_boxes - 1)
                    r_expr += multiple_boxes ? ") & \n (" : " & ";
            if (multiple_boxes)
                r_expr += ")";
            try {
                new_r_question = data_file.newRQuestion(r_expr, new_question_name, new_var_name, null);
            } catch(e){
                return errorFun(e);
            return errorFun(e);
    // New properties added for https://numbers.atlassian.net/browse/FS1-741 are not available in versions older than 25.24
    if (fileFormatVersion() < 25.24) {
        new_r_question.isHidden = true;
    } else {
        new_r_question.isHiddenInView = true
        new_r_question.isHiddenInExplore = true
    new_r_question.isFilter = true;
    new_r_question.questionType = "Pick One";

    // Apply filter to the selected outputs
    const allowed_output_types = ["Plot", "R Output", "Table"];
    if (types.filter(function(t){return allowed_output_types.indexOf(t) === -1;}).length > 0)
        log("Some selections were not a Chart, Table or R Output and the created filter has not been applied to them.");
    for (let i = 0; i < sub_items.length; i++)
        if (allowed_output_types.indexOf(types[i]) > -1) {
            let has_nested_table = sub_items[i].type == "R Output" && sub_items[i].subItems.length > 0 && sub_items[i].subItems[0].type == "Table";
            let filter_item = has_nested_table ? sub_items[i].subItems[0] : sub_items[i];
            if (filter_item.filters !== null)
                filter_item.filters = filter_item.filters.concat(new_r_question.variables);
    return true;

function requireControlLabelsAreUnique(labels, question, control) {
    let duplicates = findDuplicateLabels(labels);
    if (duplicates.length == 0)
        return true;
    let unique_duplicates = uniqueElementsInArray(duplicates).join(", ");
    let msg = `The selected data, ${question.name}, cannot be used to create a filter as it contains multiple categories that have the same label but different data: ${unique_duplicates}`;
    throw new UserError(msg);

function findDuplicateLabels(labels) {
    return labels.filter((item, index) => labels.indexOf(item) !== index);

function RCodeForNominal(control_name,name_in_code) {
    return `("Missing data" %in% ${stringToRName(control_name)})*is.na(${name_in_code}) |
    trimws(${name_in_code}, whitespace = "[\\\\h\\\\v]") %in% ${stringToRName(control_name)}`;

See also