QScript Functions for Calculations
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This page is under construction. Its contents are only visible to developers!
includeWeb("QScript Utility Functions");
const VALID_ROUTPUT_CLASSES = ["numeric","integer","logical","factor","matrix","array","data.frame","table"];
const INVALID_VARIABLE_SET_TYPES = ["Text", "Text - Multi", "Date/Time"];
function mathOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator = "Divide", n_cases)
let variable_name;
let argument_names;
case "Divide":
variable_name = "divided.variable";
argument_names = ["numerator", "denominator"];
case "Multiply":
variable_name = "multiplied.variable";
argument_names = ["multiplicand", "multiplier"];
case "Subtract":
variable_name = "subtracted.variable";
argument_names = ["minuend", "subtrahend"];
let white_space = ' '.repeat(variable_name.length + 5 + operator.length) ;
capitalized_names = argument_names.map(name => name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1));
return 'library(verbs)\n' +
'\n' +
argument_names[0] + ' <- if (formCombo' + capitalized_names[0] + ' == "Single numeric value") as.numeric(formSingle' + capitalized_names[0] + ') else form' + capitalized_names[0] + '\n' +
argument_names[1] + ' <- if (formCombo' + capitalized_names[1] + ' == "Single numeric value") as.numeric(formSingle' + capitalized_names[1] + ') else form' + capitalized_names[1] + '\n' +
'combo.choices <- c(' + capitalized_names.map(name => 'formCombo' + name).join(", ") + ')\n' +
'if(all(combo.choices == "Single numeric value"))\n' +
'{\n' +
' warning("The same single value from the calculation was used in all cases in the output variable")\n' +
' ' + argument_names[0] + ' <- rep(' + argument_names[0] + ', ' + n_cases + ')\n' +
' ' + argument_names[1] + ' <- rep(' + argument_names[1] + ', ' + n_cases + ')\n' +
'}\n' +
'\n' +
variable_name + ' <- ' + operator + '(' + argument_names.join(', ') + ',\n' +
white_space + 'remove.rows = NULL, remove.columns = NULL,\n' +
white_space + 'match.elements = "No", warn = TRUE)'
function mathOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator = "Divide")
let argument_names;
let label_names;
case "Divide":
argument_names = ["Numerator", "Denominator"];
label_names = ["Divide the", "by the"];
case "Multiply":
argument_names = ["Multiplicand", "Multiplier"];
label_names = ["Multiply the", "by the"];
case "Subtract":
argument_names = ["Minuend", "Subtrahend"];
label_names = ["From the", "Subtract the"];
let default_value = operator === "Subtract" ? "0" : "1";
let is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
let structure_name = is_displayr ? "Variable Set" : "Question";
return 'const ALLOWED_VARIABLE_TYPES = ["Numeric", "Categorical", "Ordered Categorical", "Money"];\n' +
'const INVALID_VARIABLE_SET_TYPES = ["Text", "Text - Multi", "Date/Time"];\n' +
'\n' +
'let allowed_vars = ALLOWED_VARIABLE_TYPES.join(", ");\n' +
'let allowed_variable_sets = "!" + INVALID_VARIABLE_SET_TYPES.join(", !");\n' +
'let input_structure = {"names": ["' + argument_names[0] + '", "' + argument_names[1] + '"],\n' +
' "labels": ["' + label_names[0] + '", "' + label_names[1] + '"]};\n' +
'\n' +
'for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++)\n' +
'{\n' +
' let name = input_structure["names"][i];\n' +
' let label = input_structure["labels"][i];\n' +
' let combo_control = form.comboBox({name: "formCombo" + name, label: label,\n' +
' alternatives: ["Variable(s)", "Single numeric value"],\n' +
' default_value: "Variable(s)",\n' +
' prompt: "Choose a variable in the dataset or specify a single value"});\n' +
' if (combo_control.getValue() === "Single numeric value")\n' +
' {\n' +
' form.textBox({name: "formSingle" + name, label: "", type: "number",\n' +
' default_value: ' + default_value + ',\n' +
' error: "The " + name + " here cannot be empty and must be a single numeric value",\n' +
' prompt: "The single value to be used in the calculation"});\n' +
' } else\n' +
' {\n' +
' let data_input_control = form.dropBox({name: "form" + name, label: "",\n' +
' types: ["Variable: " + allowed_vars, "Variable Set: " + allowed_variable_sets],\n' +
' error: "Please select an input variable or ' + structure_name.toLowerCase() + '.",\n' +
' multi: false, prompt: "Input Variable or ' + structure_name + '"});\n' +
' }\n' +
'}\n' +
'form.setHeading("' + operator + '");'
function calculateVariableRCode(operator = "Sum", n_cases = null)
let r_code;
let form_names;
case "Sum":
case "Average":
let operator_past_tense = generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator);
let function_call = operator_past_tense.toLowerCase() + '.variables <- ' + operator + 'EachRow';
let white_space = ' '.repeat(function_call.length);
r_code = 'library(verbs)\n' +
'\n' +
'n.variables <- length(formInputs)\n' +
'all.variables <- if (n.variables > 1L) QDataFrame(formInputs, check.names = FALSE) else formInputs[[1L]]\n' +
function_call + '(all.variables ,\n' +
white_space + 'remove.missing = formRemoveMissing,\n' +
white_space + 'remove.columns = NULL,\n' +
white_space + 'warn = TRUE)';
case "Divide":
case "Multiply":
case "Subtract":
r_code = mathOperatorOnVariablesRCode(operator, n_cases);
return r_code;
function calculateVariableJSCode(operator = "Sum")
let js_code;
case "Average":
case "Sum":
js_code = 'form.dropBox({name: "formInputs",\n' +
' label: "Variables",\n' +
' duplicates: true,\n' +
' types: ["Variable:Numeric,Categorical,OrderedCategorical,Money"],\n' +
' multi:true,\n' +
' prompt: "Input variables that are not text or date variables"});\n' +
'form.checkBox({name: "formRemoveMissing",\n' +
' label: "Calculate for observations with incomplete data",\n' +
' default_value: true});\n' +
'form.setHeading("' + operator + ' variables by case");';
case "Divide":
case "Multiply":
case "Subtract":
js_code = mathOperatorOnVariablesJSCode(operator);
return js_code;
function uniq(a) {
var seen = {};
return a.filter(function(item) {
return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true);
function determineGroup(is_displayr)
let group = project.currentPage === undefined ? false : project.currentPage();
if (!group)
if (!is_displayr)
group = project.report;
group = project.report.appendGroup();
group.name = "New page";
return group
function extractQuestionsWithValidStructure(selected_variable_sets, operator, is_displayr, max_n_valid = 2)
let invalid_variable_sets = [];
selected_variable_sets = selected_variable_sets.filter(variable_set => {
let variable_set_structure = variable_set.variableSetStructure;
let invalid_variable_set = INVALID_VARIABLE_SET_TYPES.includes(variable_set_structure);
if (invalid_variable_set)
return !invalid_variable_set;
let n_valid_variable_sets = selected_variable_sets.length;
let all_invalid_variable_sets = selected_variable_sets.length === 0;
let n_variables = selected_variable_sets.map(variable_set => variable_set.variables.length);
let single_variables_selected = n_variables.every(variable_length => variable_length === 1);
let structure_name = single_variables_selected ? "variable" : is_displayr ? "Variable Set" : "Question";
if (invalid_variable_sets.length > 0)
let invalid_types = uniq(invalid_variable_sets.map(variable_set => variable_set.variableSetStructure)).join(" and ");
let invalid_names = invalid_variable_sets.map(variable_set => variable_set.name).join(", ");
if (all_invalid_variable_sets)
if (invalid_variable_sets.selected == 1)
log("The selected " + structure_name + invalid_names + " is a " + invalid_types + " " + structure_name + " and is not appropriate to use in " + operator + ".");
let appropriate_vars = is_displayr ? 'Number, Categorical, Ordered Categorical or Money': 'Numeric, Nominal or Ordinal';
log("All of the selected " + structure_name + "s are contain either Text or Date variables and are not appropriate to use in " + operator +
". Please select " + structure_name + "s containing " + appropriate_vars + " variables to use " + operator + ".");
} else
let var_msg = invalid_variable_sets.length === 1 ? " selected is" : " selected are";
log("The " + invalid_types + structure_name + " " + var_msg + " not appropriate to use in " + operator +
" and have been removed from the calculation.");
if (isFinite(max_n_valid) && n_valid_variable_sets > max_n_valid)
log("Only two " + structure_name + "s can be used in " + operator + ". " +
"The first two have been used in the output variable and the other selections ignored.");
return selected_variable_sets;
function extractValidVariables(selected_variables, operator, is_displayr)
let invalid_variables = [];
selected_variables = selected_variables.filter(variable => {
let var_type = variable.variableType;
let invalid_var = var_type === "Text" || var_type === "Date";
if (invalid_var)
return !invalid_var;
let n_valid_variables = selected_variables.length;
let all_invalid_variables_selected = selected_variables.length === 0;
if (invalid_variables.length > 0)
let invalid_types = uniq(invalid_variables.map(variable => variable.variableType)).join(" and ");
let invalid_names_and_labels = invalid_variables.map(variable => variable.label + " (" + variable.name + ")").join(", ");
if (all_invalid_variables_selected)
if (invalid_variables.selected == 1)
log("The selected variable " + invalid_names_and_labels + " is a " + invalid_types + "variable and is not appropriate to use in " + operator + ".");
let appropriate_vars = is_displayr ? 'Number, Categorical, Ordered Categorical or Money': 'Numeric, Nominal or Ordinal';
log("All of the selected variables are either Text or Date variables and are not appropriate to use in " + operator +
". Please select " + appropriate_vars + " to use in " + operator + ".");
} else
let var_msg = invalid_variables.length === 1 ? " variable selected is" : " variables selected are";
log("The " + invalid_types + var_msg + " not appropriate to use in " + operator +
" and have been removed from the calculation.");
return selected_variables;
function determineVariableName(operator, variable_names, data_file)
let operator_name;
case 'Sum':
operator_name = "sum";
case 'Average':
operator_name = "avg";
case 'Divide':
operator_name = "division";
case 'Multiply':
operator_name = "multiplication";
case 'Subtract':
operator_name = "subtraction";
operator_name += "_of_";
let new_variable_name = variable_names.join("_");
new_variable_name = new_variable_name.startsWith(operator_name) ? new_variable_name : operator_name + new_variable_name;
new_variable_name = preventDuplicateVariableName(data_file, new_variable_name, "_");
return new_variable_name;
function determineVariableLabel(operator, labels, data_file)
let new_variable_label = "";
let operator_char;
case "Divide":
operator_char = " / ";
case "Multiply":
operator_char = " * ";
case "Subtract":
operator_char = " - ";
case 'Sum':
new_variable_label = labels.join(" + ");
case 'Average':
new_variable_label = 'Average of ' + labels.join("; ");
case 'Divide':
case 'Multiply':
case 'Subtract':
new_variable_label += labels.length === 2 ? labels.join(operator_char) : labels[0] + " divided by a single value";
new_variable_label = preventDuplicateQuestionName(data_file, new_variable_label);
return new_variable_label;
function checkQuestionDimensionsValid(questions, operator, is_displayr)
if (questions.length < 2)
return true;
let n_variables = questions.map(question => question.variables.length);
if (n_variables[0] == n_variables[1])
return true;
if (n_variables.some(n_vars => n_vars === 1))
return true;
let structure_name = is_displayr ? "Variable Set" : "Question";
log("The selected " + structure_name + "s do not have the same number of variables. To use " + operator +
" the same number of variables are required in each " + structure_name + ".");
return false;
function appendCalculatedQuestionsToDataSet(operator, selected_questions, is_displayr, max_n_valid = Infinity)
let valid_questions = extractQuestionsWithValidStructure(selected_questions, operator, is_displayr, max_n_valid);
let n_valid_questions = valid_questions.length;
if (n_valid_questions > 0)
let data_files = valid_questions.map(question => question.dataFile);
let datafile_names = uniq(data_files.map(datafile => datafile.name));
let number_observations;
if (datafile_names.length > 1)
let nobs_data = uniq(data_files.map(data_file => data_file.totalN));
if (nobs_data.length > 1)
log("The selected variables are from different datasets (" + datafile_names.join(", ") + ") " +
"with " + nobs_data.join(", ") + " number of cases respectively. It is not possible to conduct " +
"the calculation if the input variables have a different number of cases. Please choose variables " +
"from the same dataset.");
return false;
number_observarions = nobs_data[0];
} else
number_observations = data_files[0].totalN;
if (!checkQuestionDimensionsValid(valid_questions, operator, is_displayr))
return false;
let guids = valid_questions.map(question => question.guid);
let data_file = valid_questions[0].dataFile;
let question_names = valid_questions.map(question => question.name);
let new_question_name = determineVariableLabel(operator, question_names, data_file);
let new_variable_base_name = determineVariableName(operator, question_names, data_file);
new_variable_base_name = cleanVariableName(new_variable_base_name);
let r_code = calculateVariableRCode(operator, number_observations);
let js_code = calculateVariableJSCode(operator);
let last_question_variables = valid_questions[n_valid_questions - 1].variables;
let last_variable = last_question_variables[last_question_variables.length - 1];
let control_settings = determineControlSettings(operator, valid_questions);
let new_question = data_file.newRQuestion(r_code, new_question_name, new_variable_base_name, last_variable, js_code, control_settings);
return true;
return false;
function appendCalculatedVariablesToDataSet(operator, selected_variables, is_displayr, max_n_valid = Infinity)
let valid_variables = extractValidVariables(selected_variables, operator, is_displayr, max_n_valid);
let n_valid_variables = valid_variables.length;
if (n_valid_variables > 0)
let data_files = valid_variables.map(variable => variable.question.dataFile);
let datafile_names = uniq(data_files.map(datafile => datafile.name));
let number_observations;
if (datafile_names.length > 1)
let nobs_data = uniq(data_files.map(data_file => data_file.totalN));
if (nobs_data.length > 1)
log("The selected variables are from different datasets (" + data_filenames.join(", ") + ") " +
"with " + nobs_data.join(", ") + " number of cases respectively. It is not possible to conduct " +
"the calculation if the input variables have a different number of cases. Please choose variables " +
"from the same dataset.");
return false;
number_observarions = nobs_data[0];
} else
number_observations = data_files[0].totalN;
let guids = valid_variables.map(variable => variable.guid);
let data_file = valid_variables[0].question.dataFile;
let labels = valid_variables.map(variable => variable.label);
let names = valid_variables.map(variable => variable.name);
let new_variable_name = determineVariableName(operator, names, data_file);
let new_variable_label = determineVariableLabel(operator, labels, data_file);
let r_code = calculateVariableRCode(operator, number_observations);
let js_code = calculateVariableJSCode(operator);
let last_variable = valid_variables[n_valid_variables - 1];
let control_settings = determineControlSettings(operator, valid_variables);
let new_variable = data_file.newRVariable(r_code, new_variable_name, new_variable_label, last_variable, js_code, control_settings);
return true;
return false;
function determineControlSettings(operator = "Sum", selections = null)
let control_settings = {};
if (selections == null)
return control_settings;
let guids = selections.map(selection => selection.guid);
let control_names;
case "Divide":
control_names = ["Numerator", "Denominator"];
case "Multiply":
control_names = ["Multiplicand", "Multiplier"];
case "Subtract":
control_names = ["Minuend", "Subtrahend"];
case "Average":
case "Sum":
control_settings = {"formInputs": guids.join(";")};
case "Average Each Column":
case "Average Each Row":
case "Sum Each Column":
case "Sum Each Row":
control_settings = {"formInput": guids[0]};
case "Divide":
case "Multiply":
case "Subtract":
let keys = control_names;
let values = guids;
if (guids.length === 1)
keys[1] = "Combo" + control_names[1];
values.push("Single numeric value");
keys.forEach((key, i) => control_settings["form" + key] = values[i]);
return control_settings;
function generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator_name)
let output_name;
switch(operator_name) {
case "Average":
output_name = "averaged";
case "Sum":
output_name = "summed";
case "Divide":
output_name = "divided";
case "Multiply":
output_name = "multiplied";
case "Subtract":
output_name = "subtracted";
function generateDefaultCalculationOutputName(operator_name, output_type)
let output_name = generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator_name);
return output_name + "." + output_type;
function validRInputOrTable(selection)
let valid_table = selection.type === "Table" && selection.primary != null;
if (valid_table)
return true;
let valid_r_output = selection.type === "R Output" && selection.error == null
valid_r_output = valid_r_output && selection.outputClasses.some(r_class => VALID_ROUTPUT_CLASSES.includes(r_class));
return valid_r_output;
function applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator, selections, is_displayr)
includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
let group = determineGroup(is_displayr);
let controls = determineControlSettings(operator, selections);
let calculation_output = group.appendStandardR("Calculation - " + operator + " - Table(s)", controls);
return true;
function applySingleDimensionCalculation(operator = "Sum", dimension = "Row", selection = null, is_displayr)
let operator_name = operator + " Each " + dimension;
applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator_name, selection, is_displayr);
return true;
function applyCalculationOnSelections(operator = "Sum")
let selections = project.report.selectedRaw();
selections = selections.filter(selected => selected.type !== "ReportGroup");
let initial_n_selected = selections.length;
let selected_vars = project.report.selectedVariables();
let n_selected_vars = selected_vars.length;
let is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
let mathematical_operator = ["Divide", "Multiply", "Subtract"].includes(operator);
let max_number_inputs = mathematical_operator ? 2 : Infinity;
if (initial_n_selected === 0 && n_selected_vars === 0)
applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator, null, is_displayr);
return true;
if (initial_n_selected > 0)
selections = selections.filter(validRInputOrTable);
let n_selected = selections.length;
if (n_selected > 0)
if (n_selected < initial_n_selected)
log("Some selections were not a Q Table or an R Output appropriate for use in " + operator + " and are ignored.");
if (n_selected > max_number_inputs)
log("Only two inputs can be used in " + operator + ". " +
"The first two selections have been used in the output and the other selections ignored.");
selections = selections.filter((item, i) => i < 2);
applyCalculationOnValidSelections(operator, selections, is_displayr);
return true;
let max_number_text = mathematical_operator ? "two" : "more";
let operator_past_tense_name = generateOperatorPastTenseName(operator);
let prefix_msg = initial_n_selected === 1 ? "The selected item is not" : "None of the current selections are";
log(prefix_msg + " appropriate to use in " + operator + ". Before re-running this feature, " +
"select one or " + max_number_text + " Q Table(s) or valid R Output(s) containing numeric " +
"elements to create an R Output with " + operator_past_tense_name + " elements, or " +
"select one or " + max_number_text + " variables with numeric values from the Data Sets tree " +
"to create a new variable with the cases " + operator_past_tense_name + ".");
return false;
if (mathematical_operator)
let selected_questions = project.report.selectedQuestions();
return appendCalculatedQuestionsToDataSet(operator, selected_questions, is_displayr, max_number_inputs);
} else
return appendCalculatedVariablesToDataSet(operator, selected_vars, is_displayr, max_number_inputs);
function applySingleDimensionCalculationWithSelection(operator = "Sum", dimension = "Row")
let selections = project.report.selectedRaw();
selections = selections.filter(selected => selected.type !== "ReportGroup");
let initial_n_selected = selections.length;
let selected_vars = project.report.selectedVariables();
let n_selected_vars = selected_vars.length;
let is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
// Calculation by Column not valid on variables since the output needs to have the same number
// of elements as the number of cases in the data.
if (initial_n_selected === 0 && (n_selected_vars === 0 || dimension === "Column"))
applySingleDimensionCalculation(operator, dimension, null, is_displayr);
return true;
if (initial_n_selected > 0)
selections = selections.filter(validRInputOrTable);
let n_selected = selections.length;
if (n_selected > 0)
if (n_selected > 1)
log("Only a single selected input can be used in " + operator + " Each " + dimension + ". " +
"The first valid selection has been used in the output and the other selections ignored.");
selections = selections.filter((selection, i) => i < 1);
applySingleDimensionCalculation(operator, dimension, selections, is_displayr);
return true;
let prefix_msg = initial_n_selected === 1 ? "The selected item is not" : "None of the current selections are"
log(prefix_msg + " appropriate to use in " + operator + " Each " + dimension + ". Before re-running this feature, " +
"select a single Q Table or valid R Output.");
return false;
return appendCalculatedVariablesToDataSet(operator, selected_vars, is_displayr);