Publish to Displayr Drive

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Publish to Displayr Drive. Sets up a data set to automatically publish its data to Displayr Drive each time this documents is published/exported.

The file will be exported as a QDat file, which is fast to load. If you want your data to update periodically then use Anything > Report > Automatic Updating and tick Update exported documents in the Object Inspector.

includeWeb('QScript Utility Functions');  // for UserError

const data_sets =;
if (data_sets.length == 0)
    throw new UserError('You must select a data set in the Data tree');

for (let ds of data_sets) {
    const already_publishing = !!ds.publishToDisplayrDriveFileName;
    const current_index = already_publishing ? 0 : 1;
    const new_index = selectOne("Publish data set "" to Displayr Drive", ["Whenever documents is published", "Never"], null, current_index)
    if (new_index == 1) {
        ds.publishToDisplayrDriveFileName = null;
    } else {
        let default_file_name;
        if (already_publishing)
            default_file_name = ds.publishToDisplayrDriveFileName;
            default_file_name =\..{0,4}/, '.QDat');
        ds.publishToDisplayrDriveFileName = prompt('Displayr Drive file name:', default_file_name);