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This represents one series on a chart and contains the various settings about how it should be exported to Powerpoint. NOTE FOR PIE-LIKE PLOTS: * Pie like plots (Pie, Donut, *OfPie, etc) are a special case for series settings * In powerpoint, settings for individual pie slices are stored as DataPoint settings, however for simplicity we model them here as series settings * PptChartSettings.TemplateSeries should be a list of all pie slices, or a list of one if all pie slice settings are the same * If the colors are not overriden, each slice will get the next standard series color


The fill color (eg.legend background, markers, radar fill in radar chart (if RadarStyle==Filled), area color in area charts, bar color in bar charts, surface color in surface charts(if Wireframe==false), bubble color in bubble charts) Accepts STRING values in the format: #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA or NULL


The type of pattern used as background fill (if BackgroundPattern and BackgroundPatternColor are set) Accepts STRING values: Horizontal, Min, Vertical, ForwardDiagonal, BackwardDiagonal, Cross, LargeGrid, Max, DiagonalCross, Percent05, Percent10, Percent20, Percent25, Percent30, Percent40, Percent50, Percent60, Percent70, Percent75, Percent80, Percent90, LightDownwardDiagonal, LightUpwardDiagonal, DarkDownwardDiagonal, DarkUpwardDiagonal, WideDownwardDiagonal, WideUpwardDiagonal, LightVertical, LightHorizontal, NarrowVertical, NarrowHorizontal, DarkVertical, DarkHorizontal, DashedDownwardDiagonal, DashedUpwardDiagonal, DashedHorizontal, DashedVertical, SmallConfetti, LargeConfetti, ZigZag, Wave, DiagonalBrick, HorizontalBrick, Weave, Plaid, Divot, DottedGrid, DottedDiamond, Shingle, Trellis, Sphere, SmallGrid, SmallCheckerBoard, LargeCheckerBoard, OutlinedDiamond, SolidDiamond or NULL


The foreground color of the pattern used as background fill (if BackgroundPattern and BackgroundPatternColor are set) Accepts STRING values in the format: #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA or NULL


If set to true, the background fill will be a radial gradient from BackgroundColor (centre) to transparent (edges). NOTE: This overrides BackgroundPattern/ BackgroundPatternColor Accepts LOGICAL values: TRUE, FALSE


A list of data point settings. Accepts a LIST of named LISTS of PptPointSettings values


DEPRECATED- DO NOT USE. This is now stored as the 'Font' property of PptSeriesLabels. The font and color of the data labels for this series Accepts a named LIST of values


DEPRECATED- DO NOT USE. This is now stored as the 'Position' property of PptSeriesLabels. The position of the data labels for this series Accepts STRING values: BestFit, Bottom, Center, InsideBase, InsideEnd, Left, OutsideEnd, Right, Top or NULL NOTE: Although you can safely set this value to any of the accepted values, it will only have an effect in the following combinations: - Bar charts (not 3d): Center, InsideEnd, InsideBase, OutsideEnd - Scatter, bubble, line (not 3d) and stock charts: Center, Left, Right, Top, Bottom - Pie, of pie, 3d pie charts (not doughnut): Center, InsideEnd, OutsideEnd, BestFit


The marker settings for this series Accepts a named LIST of PptMarkerSettings values


The outline color (eg.radar outline in radar charts (if RadarStyle!=Filled), scatter line color in scatter charts(if ScatterStyle!=Marker), surface wireframe color in surface charts(if Wireframe==true), line color in 2d line charts) Accepts STRING values in the format: #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA or NULL


Line style (null defaults to None) Accepts STRING values: Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot, Custom, None or NULL


Line width in Points (null for ppt default width) Accepts REAL values or NULL


DEPRECATED- DO NOT USE. This is now stored as the 'ShowCategoryName' property of PptSeriesLabels. Whether we should show category names in data labels for this series Accepts LOGICAL values: TRUE, FALSE


DEPRECATED- DO NOT USE. This is now stored as the 'ShowValue' property of PptSeriesLabels. Whether we should show data labels for this series. Defaults to on. Accepts LOGICAL values: TRUE, FALSE


DEPRECATED- DO NOT USE. This is now stored as the 'ShowLeaderLines' property of PptSeriesLabels. Whether there should be leader lines to the data labels of this series (only used if shown) Accepts LOGICAL values: TRUE, FALSE