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This represents the legend on a chart and contains the various settings about how it should be exported to Powerpoint.


The fill color (eg.legend background, markers, radar fill in radar chart (if RadarStyle==Filled), area color in area charts, bar color in bar charts, surface color in surface charts(if Wireframe==false), bubble color in bubble charts) Accepts STRING values in the format: #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA or NULL


The type of pattern used as background fill (if BackgroundPattern and BackgroundPatternColor are set) Accepts STRING values: Horizontal, Min, Vertical, ForwardDiagonal, BackwardDiagonal, Cross, LargeGrid, Max, DiagonalCross, Percent05, Percent10, Percent20, Percent25, Percent30, Percent40, Percent50, Percent60, Percent70, Percent75, Percent80, Percent90, LightDownwardDiagonal, LightUpwardDiagonal, DarkDownwardDiagonal, DarkUpwardDiagonal, WideDownwardDiagonal, WideUpwardDiagonal, LightVertical, LightHorizontal, NarrowVertical, NarrowHorizontal, DarkVertical, DarkHorizontal, DashedDownwardDiagonal, DashedUpwardDiagonal, DashedHorizontal, DashedVertical, SmallConfetti, LargeConfetti, ZigZag, Wave, DiagonalBrick, HorizontalBrick, Weave, Plaid, Divot, DottedGrid, DottedDiamond, Shingle, Trellis, Sphere, SmallGrid, SmallCheckerBoard, LargeCheckerBoard, OutlinedDiamond, SolidDiamond or NULL


The foreground color of the pattern used as background fill (if BackgroundPattern and BackgroundPatternColor are set) Accepts STRING values in the format: #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA or NULL


If set to true, the background fill will be a radial gradient from BackgroundColor (centre) to transparent (edges). NOTE: This overrides BackgroundPattern/ BackgroundPatternColor Accepts LOGICAL values: TRUE, FALSE


The font and color of the legend text Accepts a named LIST of FontAndColor values


The outline color (eg.radar outline in radar charts (if RadarStyle!=Filled), scatter line color in scatter charts(if ScatterStyle!=Marker), surface wireframe color in surface charts(if Wireframe==true), line color in 2d line charts) Accepts STRING values in the format: #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA or NULL


Line style (null defaults to None) Accepts STRING values: Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot, Custom, None or NULL


Line width in Points (null for ppt default width) Accepts REAL values or NULL


Whether the legend overlays on top of the plot area Accepts LOGICAL values: TRUE, FALSE


The auto-layout position of the legend Accepts STRING values: Bottom, TopRight, Left, Right, Top