Planned ANOVA-Type Tests
A planned ANOVA-Type Test occurs when appropriate data is selected when pressing (i.e., when conducting Planned Tests Of Statistical Significance).
Selecting data for conducting ANOVA-Type Tests
The two screenshots below illustrate different examples of selecting data to conduct ANOVA-Type tests. The first of these examples results in a One-Way ANOVA with independent samples and the second in Repeated Measures ANOVA. Refer to ANOVA-Type Tests - Comparing Three or More Groups for details about how Q determines which test to conduct.
Overall test of significance
The top of the outputs contain the results of the ANOVA-Type Test .
Where a repeated measusures ANOVA is conducted, some 'bonus' tests are added(each differs in their assumptions regarding the violation of the homogeneous variance assumption of ANOVA), and four tests are presented:
- Repeated Measures ANOVA
- Repeated Measures ANOVA with Greenhouse & Geisser Epsilon Correction
- Repeated Measures ANOVA with Lower Bound Epsilon Correction
- Repeated Measures ANOVA with Huynh and Feldt Epsilon Correction
Column comparison details
This contains the details used to compute Column Comparisons: the difference between the means (or proportions) being compared and the Corrected p.
Homogeneous subsets analysis
The homogeneous subsets are computed by;
- Ordering each of the means (or proportions), from lowest to highest.
- Starting with the lowest mean (or proportion) forming a group that includes this mean (or proportion) and any others that are not significantly different.
- Moving to the next mean (or proportion) that is significantly different (i.e., not in the previous group) and forming a new group that contains all the means (or proportions) that are not different from this mean.
- Etc.