Installing a Standard License
Please ensure that you follow all the steps (i.e., if you just click on the .exe
and do not follow the remaining steps then Q will not be properly installed).
1. Visit your Customer Page in your web browser.
2. Click Install Q Professional.
3. On the following screen, click Install Q Professional.
4. When the installation file has downloaded, find it in the location where it saved and double-click to run/open it.
5. When prompted by Windows if you would like to allow the app to make changes, click Yes.
6. Click Next > in the dialogue.
7. When asked about the license agreement, select I accept the agreement, and then click Next >. You will not be able to install Q if you do not accept the license agreement.
8. Decide if you want to allow Q to collect statistics, then click Next >.
9. Decide if you want to install Q in a different folder, and then click Next >.
10. Decide if you want Q to create a desktop icon, then click Next >.
11. Click Install.
12. Once the installation is complete, click Finish.
13. A web page will appear for you to confirm your name, e-mail, and your computer's name. These details will be shown on your Customer Page. Click Confirm when done, and close the web page.
You can confirm the license has been successfully installed by looking at the title of the Q window. It will say Project: Untitled.Q - Q Professional.