Dimension Reduction - Save Variable(s) - Components/Dimensions
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Generate variables in your data set containing transformed variables from dimension reduction methods such as principal components analysis
Generate a new set of variables in your data set which contains the transformed variables from dimension reduction methods such as Principal Components Analysis , Principal Components Analysis (Text) , Multiple Correspondence Analysis or t-SNE . The new variables can then be used as inputs into other analyses. You must select the R output which contains your analysis before running this script.
A table of the transformed variables from t-SNE.
includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
function main() {
saveVariables("Scores", "Principal Components Analysis, Principal Components Analysis (Text), Multidimensional Scaling, t-SNE or Multiple Correspondence Analysis",
"fitted(", ")", null, null, null, ["flipFactorAnalysis", "mcaObj"]);
See Also
- Dimension Reduction - Diagnostic - Component Plot
- Dimension Reduction - Diagnostic - Scree Plot
- Dimension Reduction - Principal Components Analysis
- Dimension Reduction - Multiple Correspondence Analysis
- Dimension Reduction - t-SNE
- Text Analysis - Advanced - Principal Components Analysis (Text)