Dimension Reduction - Save Variable(s) - Components/Dimensions

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Generate variables in your data set containing transformed variables from dimension reduction methods such as principal components analysis

Generate a new set of variables in your data set which contains the transformed variables from dimension reduction methods such as Principal Components Analysisprincipal components analysis, Principal Components Analysis (Text)principal components analysis (text), Multiple Correspondence Analysismultiple correspondence analysis or t-SNEt-SNE. The new variables can then be used as inputs into other analyses. You must select the R output which contains your analysis before running this script.


A table of the transformed variables from t-SNE.


includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");

function main() {
    saveVariables("Scores", "Principal Components Analysis, Principal Components Analysis (Text), Multidimensional Scaling, t-SNE or Multiple Correspondence Analysis", 
    "fitted(", ")", null, null, null, ["flipFactorAnalysis", "mcaObj"]);

See Also