Dimension Reduction - Plot - Component Plot Extension

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Create a component plot for the principal component analysis

Chart the first two components or factors from a principal components analysis or factor analysis (created, for example, with Insert > More > Dimension Reduction > Principal Components Analysis).


Example output:

Example input:


Principal components analysis An R Output containing a factor analysis or principal components analysis. This does not need to be created with Insert > More > Dimension Reduction > Principal Components Analysis (you can make your own factor analysis or PCA), but the item does need to have a property called loadings.

Show variable labels on plot Whether or not the labels found in the loadings will be displayed in the chart.


includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
var is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
// Separate selected item from the group/page
var selected_items = project.report.selectedRaw();
var selected_item = selected_items[0];
var selected_group = selected_item.type == "ReportGroup" ? selected_item : selected_item.group;
// Add custom R code
var output_name = generateUniqueRObjectName("component.plot");
var r_expr = "library(flipDimensionReduction)\n" + 
             output_name + " <- ComponentPlot(inputItem, show.labels = formShowLabels)";
if (is_displayr) {
        try {
            var new_output = selected_group.group.appendPage("Title and Content");
        } catch(e) {
            var new_output = selected_group.group.appendPage("TitleOnly");
        new_output.subItems[0].text = "Component Plot";
        new_output.name = "Component Plot";
        var component_plot = new_output.appendR(r_expr);
        selected_group.group.moveAfter(new_output, selected_group);
    } else {
        var component_plot = selected_group.appendR(r_expr);
        selected_group.moveAfter(component_plot, selected_item);
// Check if TextPCA output is used to update the variable label control as required
var not_text_pca = selected_item.outputClasses.indexOf("TextPCA") < 0 ? 'true' : 'false'
// Create GUI controls
var javascript_inputs_expr = 'form.setHeading("Component Plot");\n' +
                             'form.dropBox({name: "inputItem", label: "Principal components analysis", types: ["R"],\n' +
                             '              prompt: "Output of PCA"});\n' +
                             'form.checkBox({name: "formShowLabels", label: "Show variable labels on plot", default_value: ' + not_text_pca + '});';
// Use the selected flipFactorAnalysis output as the input to the plot.
component_plot.setGuiControlInputRaw("inputItem", selected_item.guid);