Choice Modeling - Diagnostic - Experimental Design - Numeric Design extension
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Create an output containing a numeric version of the design
Outputs a numeric version of a Choice Modeling - Experimental Design output, with the labels of attributes replaced by integers.
The table below shows the numeric version of a design with 2 attributes, Color and Speed, each of which has 3 levels.
See Choice Modeling - Experimental Design
includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
var is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
if (!is_displayr)
if (Q.fileFormatVersion() >= 17.13)
alert("Please update Q to use this feature from the extension button, or run it from the menu via Automate > Browse Online Library > Choice Modeling > Diagnostic > Experimental Design > Numeric Design.");
function main() {
// The following 2 variables contain information specific to this diagnostic.
var required_class = "ChoiceModelDesign";
var output_name_suffix = "";
var item = checkSelectedItemClass(required_class);
if (item == null)
return false;
var r_name = stringToRName(item.referenceName);
// The following lines contain the R code to run
var expression = "sapply(" + r_name + "$, as.numeric)";
return createROutput(item, expression, output_name_suffix);