Regression - Diagnostic - Multicollinearity Table (VIF) extension
Create a table containing variance inflation factors (VIF) to diagnose multicollinearity
Computes the variance inflation factors (VIF) of linear models and generalized variance-inflation factors (GCIF) for generalized linear models. See the blog for an introduction to VIFs.
The below table contains the output from running this QScript on a Regression - Binary Logit output.
Technical details
A score of 10 or above indicates high multicollinearity.
Uses the vif function from the car package.
Fox, J., & Monette, G. (1992). Generalized collinearity diagnostics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87(417), 178-183.
Bock, T. (2018, April 6). What are Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs)? [Blog post]. Retrieved from
includeWeb("QScript R Output Functions");
var is_displayr = (!!Q.isOnTheWeb && Q.isOnTheWeb());
if (!is_displayr)
if (Q.fileFormatVersion() >= 17.13)
alert("Please update Q to use this feature from the extension button, or run it from the menu via Create > Regression > Diagnostic > Multicollinearity (VIF).");
function main() {
// The following 2 variables contain information specific to this diagnostic.
var required_class = "Regression";
var output_name_suffix = "multicolinearity";
var item = checkSelectedItemClass(required_class);
if (item == null)
return false;
var r_name = stringToRName(item.referenceName);
// The following lines contain the R code to run
var expression = "car::vif(" + r_name + ")"
return createROutput(item, expression, output_name_suffix);