Table Context Menu

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This is the menu of options that appears when you right-click on a table in the Outputs Tab. Where inapplicable, some of these options are not shown.

Row and column header options

Options available when you right-click on the row or column headings of a table. Which options are available depends upon the type of questions selected.

Merge Combine the selected categories into one.

Create NET Copies and combines the selected categories into one. See Create NET.

Hide Hides the selected category from view, while continuing to count it as part of the table's sample size. (It will still count towards the table’s SUM or NET.)

Remove Removes the selected category from the table and stops counting it as part of the table's sample size. That is, the category is checked as Missing Data in the Value Attributes.

Split Splits the selected category into the underlying categories.

Delete Span Deletes the selected row/column span from the table.

Revert Returns the rows or columns (whichever is selected) to their default state (i.e., prior to being modified by the user).

Rename Edit the label of the currently selected row/column.

Rename Span Edit the label of the currently selected row/column span.

Search/Replace Change the labels of multiple row or column categories by a single operation.

Create Span Create a new "span" that spans the currently selected row or column categories. To select more than one category, hold down CTRL and click on row or column headings.

Comparisons Opens a dialog where you control which columns are compared for the purposes of the Column Comparisons statistic. See How to Specify Columns to be Compared.

Sort By Values – Ascending Sorts the rows from lowest to highest using the values in the selected column (or vice versa).

Sort By Values – Descending Sorts the rows from highest to lowest using the values in the selected column (or vice versa).

Sort By Labels – Ascending Sorts the selected rows (or columns) alphabetically from A to Z using the row (or column) labels. If you only select one category, all rows/columns will be sorted.

Sort By Labels – Descending Sorts the selected rows (or columns) alphabetically from Z to A using the row (or column) labels. If you only select one category, all rows/columns will be sorted.

Swap Rows and Columns Transposes the table. Where different questions are selected in the blue and brown drop-down menus, the questions are swapped.

Duplicate Question Creates an exact copy of the question in the blue or brown drop-down, including any category modifications done via the Outputs Tab (such as Merging, Copying, etc.).

Operations on cells of the table

These operations are available when you have selected one or more cells with statistical data. All of these operations are also available in the toolbar.

Create filter Creates a filter according to the cells you have selected in the table.

Color cells Applies the last color used in the Color toolbar button to the selected cells.

Test statistical significance Conducts a statistical test on the data displayed in the selected cells.

Other Operations

The following options are available no matter what cell is currently selected.

Statistics - Cells View various statistical series for this table. The Statistics available depend upon what types of questions you have selected in the blue and brown drop-downs.

Statistics - Right View marginal statistics for the row categories.

Statistics - Below View marginal statistics for the column categories.

Values Opens the Value Attributes dialog for the blue or brown drop-down question's variables.

Table Options Opens the Table Options dialog for this table.

Show Variables and Source Values Opens a dialog that lists the variable names or the source values that represent the selected row/column.

Edit Table JavaScript Takes you to the Table JavaScript editor for this table.

(All input Questions) A menu item is shown for each Question that is shown on the table that allows you to modify the Question without leaving the table to go to the Variables and Questions tab. Available modifications are: renaming, duplicating, changing the Question Type, editing Value Attributes, editing variables/formulas, and un-hiding previously hidden categories.

Filters Select which filters are used on the table, or create a new filter variable.

Weight Select the weight applied on the table, or create a new weight variable.