Dimension Reduction - Diagnostic - Scree Plot

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Plot the eigenvalues from a factor analysis or principal components analysis

Chart the eigenvalues from a factor analysis or principal components analysis (created, for example, using Dimension Reduction - Principal Components Analysis).

How to Create

As a separate output in your report

  1. Add the object by selecting from the menu Anything > Advanced Analysis > Dimension Reduction > Diagnostic > Scree PlotCreate > Dimension Reduction > Diagnostic > Scree Plot
  2. Under Inputs select your PCA or factor analysis output

Within your PCA output created by Dimension Reduction - Principal Components Analysis

  1. Change the Inputs > Display drop-down to Scree Plot


Example output:


Principal components analysis An R Output containing a factor analysis or principal components analysis. This does not need to be created with Dimension Reduction - Principal Components Analysis (you can make your own factor analysis or PCA), but the item does need to have a property called values.


form.setHeading("Scree Plot");
form.dropBox({name: "inputItem", label: "Principal components analysis", types: ["R:flipFactorAnalysis,principal,princomp,fa"],
              prompt: "Output of PCA"});
scree.plot <- ScreePlot(QInputs(inputItem))

See also